
Toute la journée

Théières en goguette

Musée Ariana Avenue de la Paix 10, Genève

Théières en goguette, Naissance et évolution d'un art de vivre Née au début du 16e siècle en Chine, la théière va connaître une diffusion fulgurante. Elle parvient en Europe par le […]

Sunken Treasures

Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics Grote Kerkstraat 9 8911 DZ Leeuwarden, 8900 CE Leeuwarden

The exhibition Sunken Treasures features ceramics and other objects found aboard eight shipwrecks dating from the ninth to the nineteenth century. The ceramic treasures tell fascinating stories about the Maritime […]

Picasso, the challenge of ceramics

International Museum of Ceramic Viale Baccarini 19 – 48018, Faenza RA

Picasso, the challenge of ceramicsdu 01 novembre 2019 au 12 avril 2020International Museum of Ceramic,Faenzawww.micfaenza.org/en/mostre/394-picasso-the-challenge-of-ceramics.phpThe exhibition curated by Harald Theil and Salvador Haro in collaboration with Claudia Casali and Valentina […]

Lost at sea

Asian Art 200 Larkin St, San Francisco

Lost at sea: Art recovered from shripwrecks A fierce three-headed serpent and a mysterious female deity were among the nearly two dozen 12th-century stone reliefs from Central Vietnam that lay […]

Carte blanche à Riu Xiao Fang

Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet 6, place d'Iéna, Paris

En résonance avec l’espace sacral de la rotonde, ces figures de méditation exaltent le geste millénaire des artistes de la porcelaine, mêlant biscuit sans glaçure et glaçure céladon ou blanc […]

En cours

Kyoto: Capital of Artistic Imagination

The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028 Phone:, New York

JULY 24, 2019–JANUARY 31, 2021 Focusing on the main turning points in the cultural history of Kyoto from ancient to modern times, Kyoto: Capital of Artistic Imaginationplaces special emphasis on […]

Featured Mis en avant

Annulée: Conférence de Yolande Crowe

Yolande Crowe, chercheur indépendant, PhD in art and archaeology, SOAS LondonLa Perse à l’heure du style kraak: les vases safavides à cols multiples.

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