
Picasso at the Cyprus Museum. Works in Clay.

Cyprius Museum, Nicosia Nicosia, Cyprus

Picasso at the Cyprus Museum. Works in Clayjusqu’au 08 septembre 2019Cyprius Museum,Nicosiahttp://www.mcw.gov.cy/mcw/da/da.nsf/page04_new_en/3CC34BBB4E2D4EF9C2258410003D03BA?At the mature age of sixty-five, Pablo Picasso developed a passion for ceramic art, which became one of his main forms of expression until the end of his life. In fact, the famous artist’s systematic engagement with ceramics began in 1946 in Vallauris, while […]

Picasso and Antiquity. Line and Clay.

Athens Neophytou Douka 4, Athens, Greece

Picasso and Antiquity. Line and Clay.Du 20/6/2019 au 20/10/2019Museum of Cycladic Art, Athenshttps://cycladic.gr/enAs part of the series of art exhibitions Divine Dialogues, the Museum of Cycladic Art organizes this year, from 20 June to 20 October, a major exhibition titled Picasso and Antiquity. Line and clay. It is a rare exhibition about Picasso and his […]

Picasso, the challenge of ceramics

International Museum of Ceramic Viale Baccarini 19 – 48018, Faenza RA, Italy

Picasso, the challenge of ceramicsdu 01 novembre 2019 au 12 avril 2020International Museum of Ceramic,Faenzawww.micfaenza.org/en/mostre/394-picasso-the-challenge-of-ceramics.phpThe exhibition curated by Harald Theil and Salvador Haro in collaboration with Claudia Casali and Valentina Mazzotti, plans the exceptional loan of 60 unique works of art from the collections of the Musée National Picasso-Paris. It is a corpus of works […]

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