Technological and scientific exchanges between Europe and Far-East during 17th century (Louis XIV – Kangxi)
Technological and scientific exchanges between Europe and Far-East during 17th century (Louis XIV – Kangxi)
14 May 2019,
Campus Jussieu, MONARIS, Paris
Tour 54 – couloir 54-55 Salle Levisalle
9:30-10:15 : Aventurine Glass in Western and Eastern History: Occurrence, Fabrication and Artistry, T.-H. Chen, National Palace Museum, Taipeh, Taiwan.
10:15-11:00 : European pigments and ceramic technology in Japan in the late Renaissance perio, R. Montanari, Roma, Italy. 11:20-11:50 : Non-invasive studies of blue enamels of porcelain, metalware and glass: Comparison between France and Chinese
productions, Ph. Colomban, MONARIS, Paris, France.
14:30-15:15 : Les mathématiciens/astronomes français envoyés par Louis XIV à la cour de Kangxi, I. Landry-Deron, EHESS,
Paris, France.
15:15-16:00 : L’arséniate de plomb dans les décors sur glaçure des porcelaines de la famille rose provenant du Palais Impérial
(Dynastie Qing), Ph. Sciau, CEMES, Toulouse, Y. Li.