
Picasso at the Cyprus Museum. Works in Clay.

Cyprius Museum, Nicosia Nicosia, Cyprus

Picasso at the Cyprus Museum. Works in Clayjusqu’au 08 septembre 2019Cyprius Museum,Nicosiahttp://www.mcw.gov.cy/mcw/da/da.nsf/page04_new_en/3CC34BBB4E2D4EF9C2258410003D03BA?At the mature age of sixty-five, Pablo Picasso developed a passion for ceramic art, which became one of his […]

Picasso and Antiquity. Line and Clay.

Athens Neophytou Douka 4, Athens, Greece

Picasso and Antiquity. Line and Clay.Du 20/6/2019 au 20/10/2019Museum of Cycladic Art, Athenshttps://cycladic.gr/enAs part of the series of art exhibitions Divine Dialogues, the Museum of Cycladic Art organizes this year, […]

Picasso, the challenge of ceramics

International Museum of Ceramic Viale Baccarini 19 – 48018, Faenza RA, Italy

Picasso, the challenge of ceramicsdu 01 novembre 2019 au 12 avril 2020International Museum of Ceramic,Faenzawww.micfaenza.org/en/mostre/394-picasso-the-challenge-of-ceramics.phpThe exhibition curated by Harald Theil and Salvador Haro in collaboration with Claudia Casali and Valentina […]